GCSE Geography

Geography at G.C.S.E offers the students a broad and practical look at the development of the world and its people. Students can appreciate the relationships between the physical and human processes that give rise to the character of places, environments and their interdependence. The study of Geography enables the student to develop an understanding of and respect for the cultures and ways of life of other peoples.

A wide variety of skills, including descriptive, graphic, statistical and analytical techniques as well as fieldwork activities will be employed to study six main themes across two written papers.

Paper 1: 40% The Themes addressed in this paper are as follows:

Paper 2: 40% The themes addressed in this paper are as follows:

Coursework: 20% This is an individual report of 2500 words based on either the Physical or Human environment. Examples of past coursework have included; A study of the CBD of Newry, the changing landuse of the CBD of Newry, the impact of peat extraction on the Marble Arch caves.

Career Opportunities Geography is an interesting subject and compliments many subjects such as Business Studies, Biology Sociology, History. Jobs for Geographers include Town and Country Planning, Environment Planning, Quantity Surveying, Marketing, Conservation, Tourist Guide, Law, Journalism and teaching.
